Sunday, January 31, 2010

Dream Come True

Many years ago..... My sweet sixteen I asked my dad for a Yellow VW Bug. Well he got me one, but it was about big enough for my big toe! It was a sixteen inch die cast yellow VW. My son now plays with it. That was some 15 years ago and my dream of owning a bug has never died. This year on the 9th day of Feb my husband and I will celebrate our 14th wedding anniversary. Friday the traveling preacher made about a 300 mile round trip to somewhere in Atlanta Ga to retrieve this beautiful 1967 Yellow VW Bug. He told me he was giving me an early anniversary gift and left about 7:30 am and didn't return until 10:00 pm. He fought snow, sleet and horrible traffic to make this life long dream of mine come true. I had no idea what he had planned and when he returned and asked if I wanted what he had gotten me I was a little put out when he told me to close my eyes and hold out my hand. I couldn't believe that he had driven that far and spent that much time to bring back some thing I could hold in my hand! He handed me the keys and I think I knew instantly what he had brought me home. I raced to the door and there on an 18 ft car hauler sat the most beautiful sight, glistening in the snow, was my lil bug. Sure shes gonna need a little TLC but hey don't every girl. Mike (that's the traveling preacher) has been wanting for a long time to restore and old car. So this is really a dream come true for both of us. We are wanting to restore her to her some what original state. I will be posting updates as we go. Thank You my sweet love for making my "Dream Come True" :)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Whats up with the name?

This started out as a joke but has really got me to thinking..... Have you ever been to Tellico Plains Tn ? If you happen to go be sure to take along some dramamine and chewing gum for it is a long winding way upwards. I have yet to figure out why they call it plains seeing that it is the top of a mountain. And better yet some one sent me an invitation to a wrap party.. its some kind of wrap that is supposed to take off inches. If i were to use it they will have to call it the mummy, cause I would want them to wrap me from head to toe! ( no offense if the person who sent the invite is reading this.) This one is my personal favorite a woman's magazine that promises how to take off 10 lbs in 2 weeks or how to melt off inches and eat any thing you want and on the same cover have pics and tear out recipes for "make any day better brownies". Kinda a double standard dontcha think? (refer to mag pic) So this is where the thinking started... I was reading the other night in Romans 2:21-24 (read it) it talks about teaching other people and not ourselves it says that it dishonourest God! When people look at me do they see the name I wear "JESUS" or do they see something else? So many people to day label themselves as Christians but do not bear the fruit thereof! If we are Christians that simply means to be Christ like. When people look at me I want them to see him! How do I get there by simply creating a relationship with Him! Growing up church was all about rules and regulations, things I could and couldn't do, say, go or wear. I never really created a real relationship Jesus. So now that leaves me a couple steps behind right? Well maybe not, it did instill in me a standard that separates me from the world. But the difference now is I do it because I want to be pleasing to Christ, not because its a code I have to follow. I do it out of Love! I love Jesus and the way I live is just a small way I can show him that I do. I do not begrudge my raising, I am honored to have been raised in the home I was, but this is something mom and dad cant do for me. I want to wear His name with pride and I don't want people to be asking ... Hey whats up with the name?

Monday, January 25, 2010

First time for every thing.

I have began my journey as a blogger through the sheer genius and inspiration of my dear sister-in-law Kris. Give honor where honor is due, Thanks dear! I have got thousands of ideas running through my head and hopefully with patience and prayer at least some of my brainstorms will come to pass. A few things off the start I am an awful typer, punctuater and a worse yet speller. So please overlook these poor habits of mine. I am too quick to speak my mind and not quick enough to forgive. I have many faults but am trying very hard to overcome them. I am hoping that I have finally found a place to say how I really feel and not be to quickly judged. My outlook on this year is for a healthy mind and body. I have attempted these things many times before and have many times before failed. Even though, I am reminded of this scripture Phil. 3:13 ... Forgetting those things which are behind, and reaching forth unto those things which are before. I cannot dwell on my past failures but have to have the faith that this time I shall succeed! I have claimed Peace of Mind, for mine always seems to be in an uproar as of late. Come embark on this wild and crazy journey of my life. Until next time :)