Friday, September 16, 2011

Not exactly sure what this is! We couldn't decide if it was a storm cloud or a dust funnel. We finally come to the conclusion it was a fire, well smoke from one anyway! This was some where in the foreign land of Arkansas!

Chili Relanoes and fried mushrooms!! Defiantly something to do again! YUMMY YUMMY !!

Homemade donuts. Although they don't look as tasty as my dear sisters (Kris) they were still pretty good! At least Mike acted like they were! Lol

Saturday, August 20, 2011

My beautiful family!!

Monday, August 1, 2011

The trading for the bus did not go through. The bus was in way worse shape than we first thought. We did sell the VW though and bought another car that has both heat and air. Lol. We were also able to purchase a 84 suzuki sj410 this will allow us to park the big truck (Ford F350) while we are at home and save us quite a bit on our fuel bill. It will also be a fun toy for hunting, fishing and mudding! We are still planning on the purchase of a bus in the future whenever God allows and sees fit for us to make that change. His timing is always Perfect! Im learning more every day how to put my trust totally in him! And oh boy! What a trip!!

Happy Birthday to me! It isnt till the 25 but im gonna make it last all month long if I can!!

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Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Hello and a very hot early morning! I am still awake I do believe I have caught my dear sister-in-laws insomnia! Lol. No to be truthful we came in after church tonight, well last night I guess I should say, after an overnight stay in Murfreesboro to a seized air-condition fan motor! ( a run on sentence to say the least, my senior English-Lit teacher would NOT be happy!! Or Sis Cricket!) I was feeling pretty sorry for myself then I considered how blessed I really am! I at least have several fans unlike some of our new made friends. A local Amish family! Speaking of which I am pretty excited about a bartering deal I have made with them. Their green beans and potatoes are coming in sometime this week and we are going fishing some morning hopefully this week. So we have made a trade of fish for fresh garden veggies!! I am delighted!! The pics of water color paintings I posted afore are all some of my own original works. (that sounds pretty important eh? Lol!) But nonetheless they are all for sale if anyone would be interested. The unfinished one can be finished. I am asking $15- $30 for them depending on which one. All the proceeds will go the building of our new home! We are in the process of, for various reasons, changing our mode of transportation and living quarters ( which we call Home!). We are in the final stages of trading for a 40 ft silver eagle bus. That we plan to convert into custom living quarters for our family! I am both excited and looking forward to starting this part of our journey! Maybe I'll do better about keeping you updated on this project than I did my car! Lol! Pictures are much easier to blog from an I-Phone than a long post like this one! But lucky for you all, I'm both hot and not sleepy! Well I wasn't sleepy but I've laid still long enough I've cooled off and my eyes seem to be getting heavy! Pics only until another attack of insomnia and hopefully no more tore up AC parts! Smiles and prayers from ours to yours! The T. P. W.

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And yet another!

This one is unfinished! Found these in storage! Thought I would share!

And another!

Another water color by me :)

Water color by Heather Gibbs

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

There's always a rainbow after the storm! Thank you God for your promise!!

G. F. Filley #11. Already made biscuits once. Can't wait to try cornbread! Swap meet find in buffalo mo $10.

My newest addition!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Look guys my car has a twin!

Fishy fishy bite my hook!
Fishy fishy jerked out of the brook!
Fishy fishy filleted and fried!
Fishy fishy sakes alive!

My mothers day gift from my sweetheart! He took me fishing! Best gift ever!!

Friday, May 6, 2011

Chicken skewer. Chop House Savannah, Tn. Yummy!

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Do you know what a red hot ice pick and a artificial flower stem make? ...... A 1/2 inch 3rd degree burned hole in the end of your thumb!!!!!! Fellow dummies do not try this at home!

Monday, April 25, 2011

Mammoth moth Springfield MO. Beautiful!!

Look what I can do with my fingers and a whole bunch of bobby pins! Not to mention hair past her knees!

Pure Awesomeness! All these young people in the alter praying with each other! Bro. Tim Hollon's church Springfield MO. Great Revival!!

Fun day at the first and largest Bass Pro Shop complex. Located in Springfield MO

"the blind lead the blind". Silly girl stuck her hand in it's mouth and got bit too!

Nate and the biting bear at Bass Pro.

Hands in the air like you just don't care and scream till your blue in the face! This is an all natural Missouri Ozark roller coster! About 25 miles long! Weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

The climb! Are you ready for this?

Monday, April 18, 2011

Even Mike and myself got our feet wet looking for arrow heads and flint rock! Sure beat an afternoon nap!

Creek behind the church in Ellington MO. So much fun on a beautiful Sunday afternoon!

Playing in the creek! Ellington MO. Water was so clear and cold!

Friday, March 25, 2011

The first meal bubba cooked on his own! ( just some mild supervision from mom) very yummy! Good job Nate!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Little plane that's gonna take us home!

All frozen lakes in MN. You could see the ice-skate marks from the plane.

Fixin to land in Minneapolis MN for connecting flight to Memphis.

Sierra mountians

The Sierras somewhere over Nevada.

Bay bridge. Leaving San Fran for the airport!

On the docks at pier 39 last day in San Fran!

From the Aquarium. Gonna use it for a background

Street performer. Couldn't be much older than Nathaniel

One of the many meat servers. They just kept coming back with more! Chicken, Lamb, chicken hearts, beef ribs, filet minion and much much more!

All you can eat! Appetizers, buffet and over 14 different meats!

Last lunch! Unbelievable! Everyone should try at least once. A Brazilian Steak House.

Suprise dinner! So much fun!!!

Chili Relanoe(?) have the recipe gonna try when we get home!

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Las Margaritas pier 39. Weather is perfect for outdoor dining!

Bay Bridge at night! 1 year older than the Golden Gate!

You don't get pizza like this in tn!
Everyone thought Mike was Italian.

Dinner in Little Italy at Viva!

Japan Town

Mike tried it raw for the first time. I was too chicken! Lol